Coffee brew journal and recipe sharing mobile app

Brew better coffee at home

Get better insights in your coffee brewing at home. Sipster helps visualising your brews and makes it easy to share recipes with your friends.


You are in control of your coffee beans

Bean stash is a virtual representation of your real bean stash. You can add beans by scanning your labels, filter based on country, process, variety and roaster. Logging a brew was never easy - one tap and you are done!

You are in control of your coffee beans

Create incredible coffee recipes and share them with friends

Experimentation is one of the fun aspects of specialty coffee brewing. Brew your coffee beans with different recipes, track the results and see how it affects your cup. You can create really simple recipes but also very complex ones by adding different equipment and ingredients. Don't want to create a recipe? We got you covered! You can use one of our pre-made recipes or ask a friend for their special coffee recipe.

Create incredible coffee recipes and share them with friends

Rate and evolve your process

Rate your coffee brews and learn what you like or dislike. Get to that perfect brew by rating until you make it! Wether you are dialing in a new espresso or testing a new recipe, comparing rates based on your own taste will help you evolve and get the most out of your coffee bag.

Rate and evolve your process

Every coffee enthusiast has a story

Coffee story is a representation of your coffee journey - which countries are your favorite? Which brewing methods do you prefer? How much coffee are you drinking? What is your favorite brewing method? You might be surprised by the answers!

Every coffee enthusiast has a story